Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sugar cinnamon pull apart bread.

While flicking through stumbleupon, I came across This recipe (http://www.joythebaker.com/blog/2011/03/cinnamon-sugar-pull-apart-bread/) for Cinnamon sugar pull apart bread. It looked unreal and I kept saying I had to make it. Only problem was that it was all in cups. I find some website conversions to grams differ from others so I don't know if I had the correct measurements.

It was pretty easy to make but I don't have to much experience making dough but it turned out all right! Mine wasn't as skillfully put together and I cooked it for a bit longer than needed.

1 comment:

All about... (vegan) food said...

It looks delicious!

PS. Get yourself a cup measure set, they're really useful :)